Export-RecipientPermissions is the open-source tool of choice to document, filter and compare Exchange permissions. Read on to learn what ExplicIT offers on top.
- Mailbox Access Rights
- Mailbox Folder Permissions
- Public Folder Permissions
- Send As
- Send On Behalf
- Managed By
- Moderated By
- Linked Master Accounts
- Forwarders
- Sender restrictions
- Resource Delegates
- Group Members
- Management Role Group Members
Filter grantors, trustees and final data.Compare
Exports can be compared with each other in an automated way to detect permission changes and react to them.Groups
Groups that are granted permissions can be shown with their group name, with their direct members, or with their recursive members.Move to the cloud easier
Permission dependencies beyond the cross-premises permissions supported by Microsoft can easily be identified and even be represented graphically (sample code included).What does ExplicIT Consulting offer on top?
ExplicIT Consulting offers commercial support for Export-RecipientPermissions: Consulting, implementation support, enhancing functionality, troubleshooting, and more.
You are not buying just any support, but our comprehensive expertise as a manufacturer. For us, support means not only providing a solution to your problem, but also passing on our experience to you so that you know how and why. Our support is therefore an investment in your own knowledge and that of your employees, which pays off immediately.
Our all-inclusive support promise: If your support request stems from a bug in the latest version of Set-OutlookSignatures, the Benefactor Circle add-on, its documentation, or the provided components, support is free — no exceptions. For all other issues, you will receive the same top-notch support at a fair price.